Schedule a Dog Bite Prevention Seminar for Your Organization
Children are at the highest risk for dog bites
Understanding Dog Training offers three dog bite prevention seminars – one for children and one for parents.
We work with schools, churches, community centers, and even groups of parents to offer dog bite prevention.
Every year, 8,000 people require medical intervention because they were bitten by a dog. Most of these victims are children. And believe it or not, most are bitten by the family dog or a friend’s dog. Even if you think your dog is great with your kids, you will learn a lot about how to make sure everyone stays safe!
Also see my Dog Training for the Family programs
Parent and Teen Seminar includes:
- keep your kids safe from dog bites with dogs they know (in your home and when visiting friends)
- safety with loose dogs
- dog body language
- why dogs bite
We offer seminars at churches, synagogues, schools, community centers, and more.
All content is engaging and age appropriate.
77% of dog bites are from the family dog! Together, we can stop the 77!
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